Benefits of Automatic Balancing
Best for Variable Speed Pumping
The dynamic AutoFlow valve adjusts to lower differential pressures to provide design flow at any pump speed. When pump speed is reduced in a direct return system, header pressures are reduced and some interior manually balanced coils will experience underflow.
Tamperproof Design
With AutoFlow valves, the design GPM for each coil is maintained for the life of the building. Manual balancing devices are commonly used as shut-off valves and require a memory stop to maintain the set position. Because the memory stop can be adjusted, the “set position” can be lost, which will increase system flow and operating BHP.
The seven different cartridge sizes assure optimum flow regulation for energy savings, balancing accuracy and design flexibility
Lower Balancing Labor
The coil GPM should be verified. With AutoFlow valves, this can be done in a few minutes by reading the differential pressure across the valve. It requires much less time than to manually balance each coil.
Space Saving
The AutoFlow balancing valve is compact when compared to a circuit setter which requires five-to-ten straight pipe diameters at the inlet. AutoFlow does not require any inlet straight pipe and can be close coupled to an ATC valve which will save valuable space and insulation costs.
Design Flexibility
Direct return circuiting can save 30 percent in distribution piping costs. However, many times these systems are very difficult to manually balance. AutoFlow can provide perfect system balance without having to visit each coil two-to-three times as is typical with manual balancing.
Equipment may be added to a system easily without the need to rebalance each existing coil.